Things seemed to be going a bit slow when they arounced that, due to a signal issue, we could only for 40 km an hour on a certain section of track. This would put us in Hamburg an hour late. Fortunately there are train from Hamburg to Berlin every hour.
Probably the best part of the ride was the ferry from Denmark to Germany.
Train number two was not too bad. We did a lot of planning for Berlin and dorking about.
After trucking our bags across town on multiple crowded modes of public transportation and checking in at the hostel we decided to get something to eat. We went to a place that did German food tapas style with plenty of vegetarian options.
Next we decided to check out as many sites as we could that were open late. First we checked out the Branderburg Gate.
Next we went to check out the Reichstag, but things were all booked up for the day so we need to go back tomorrow.
We then went to the Memorial to the Murdered Jews if Europe.
Then finally we checked out Checkpoint Charlie and the Checkpoint Charlie Museum.
And then back to the hostel in a super sweaty train. The showers felt good, we had a few snacks, and then some quiet reading. Tomorrow is supposed to rain like crazy so probably a good day for indoor activities. Fortunately Berlin has a bazillion museums. If we are lucky and the weather clears we might get to do a bike tour tomorrow afternoon. Fingers crossed.