Sunday, May 29, 2016

Barely winning the war against time

I am extremely jet lagged. If the content of this message is bler bler bler, that is why. But despite the time shift and limited airplane sleep, we have managed to stay awake past our target time of 8:00.

Our first flight was delayed. Not by much but by enough to make things interesting. I was able to get a nice picture of Greenland though.

When we landed in Iceland we had 45 minutes to walk across the airport and board. Fortunately the airport is not too big. I did get temporarily locked outside in the rain and the cold when this door to the bus across the Tarmac closed after I exited the terminal with Ellie still inside. I was not about to get on the plane without her. But they cannot reopen the doors to the terminal for mysterious reasons. It was...bracing to say the least.

Flight number two was also running late, this time due to a labor slowdow for the air traffic controllers. Since we did not have to worry about connections it was not big deal.

We bumbled about the train station gormelessly and the attendants helped us buy the right ticket. 

So here we are in Copenhagen. Our hostel is cute and quirky.  

So much orange. So much beanbag chair.  

We went to the museum and tivoli gardens. There was a parade with fuzzy hats and a traditional folk dance competition involving lots of clapping and hopping. 

Also the lemonade was made with elderberries. Ellie was a fan.

I am going to leave it there since my ability to form coherent thoughts is not likely to return till after I get some real sleep.  

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