Saturday, May 28, 2016

On Your Mark, Get Set...

Despite the best of intentions to blog during preparations for the latest journey, here I am less than five hours before flight time, writing epic journey post number one. My traveling companion, and hopefully co-author, Ellie and I are taking a 21 day jaunt to various bits of Europe. There will but lots of trains involved. Also mountains and ruins and food and bikes and all manner of things.

As you can see from Ellie's fabulous attire, we have been gathering up supplies since before the snow melted.  Which mean that I started packing today. Still, forgetting things is half the fun, isn't it? Ellie meanwhile started packing days ago. 

Yesterday she took a trial run at schlepping her bag around. As you can see my advice involved vigorous hand gestures which is not unusual. 

The kiddo looks a bit skeptical, doesn't she? I must be saying something fairly crazy. 

And so tonight we take off for Copenhagen via Iceland. I think I have sufficient distractions to endure the flight. Hopefully Ellie will sleep. I, on the other hand, will probably stay awake the whole time since I will have to keep the laws of physics functioning properly. 

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