Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Rolling furnace down bumpy roads to paradise

Yesterday morning began with another 4:30 wake up for a day packed with travel. We said goodbye to our hotel and caught a cab to the bus station to wait for the bus that originated in Managua at 5:00. After giving some directions to a couple of hung over and confused Brits, the bus arrived right on time. 

We had a long stop at the border where it was quite hot, but at least the bus has decent air conditioning...or so we thought. 

We got back on the bus and about an hour later the air conked out. Alas, some of the windows were stuck so air circulation was limited. Plus the trip was supposed to be about six hours to Esparza but the road construction slowed us to a crawl at points, necessitating a food break. We reach the crossroads at 2ish and caught a taxi to the port, managing to miss the ferry by 15 minutes.

We settled in for a couple hours of waiting and ran into a bunch of other people waiting for the same boat, mostly kids from Germany. There seems to be a critical mass of 22 -25 year olds all on the same basic trajectory from beach to beach and party to party from Mexico to Panama and beyond. The women are all 5'8", very skinny, with long hair and tans. The men all look like they have been living under a rock and are immediately shuttled into the friend zone despite their best efforts. 

On the boat we ran into even more people traveling to Montezuma and surrounding towns. There are a ton of surfing spots along the peninsula. People travel here from all over the world to catch the waves, hauling their boards vast distances. 

We landed and caught the bus to Montezuma. I was so tired that I was borderline delirious and managed to have only limited conversation with the annoying German guy who had been on the same itinerary as us for the last several hours. It was a dark and winding road, but soon we arrived at our hotel, Luna Llena. It is cute and quiet, but last night all I could tell was that there was a bed and I could take off my sweaty pants. 

Now we are in a beautiful place with the sound of the waves all around us.  For only the third time on this trip we could sleep in, although I still woke up before 8:00. Now two days of doing pretty much nothing. 

Greetings from paradise. 

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