Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Pope Home

We spent the day at the Vatican. I bought tickets in advance which really is a must if you do not want to spend two hours in line. We had enough time before we headed to the Vatican to grab some bagel sandwiches, coffe (for me), and orange juice (for Ellie). 

We took it slow in the Vatican museum since we had nothing but time and no need to rush. Plus it was necessary to allow some of the mega tour groups go through if one did not want to be smushed up against a ton of people.

We did a series of photos as Roman and Greek sculptures. Ellie has some pretty good shots, but there are a few in my camera as well.

We talked a lot about papal history, aided by the handy audio guide. We also took a nice long reading break.

We both decided that it did not make sense to take too many pictures in many of the rooms since the light was low and there were tons of books with really great pictures of the art.

After spending a good long time in the Sistine Chapel we too the short cut that is supposed to be for tour groups only into Saint Peter's Basilica. According to Rick Steves you just need to find a group and look like you blend in. It worked and we avoided a very long line.

We then took a slow wander to the best gelato place ever.

As planned, we had a nice late evening meal. We decided to head over the the Jewish ghetto and try some traditional Italian kosher food. It was very fun and the neighborhood was a lovely place to spend the late evening. It was very active with people of all ages carrying on their lives. 

We then wandered back to our apartment and called it a night. Tomorrow we are headed to Florence.

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