We started out heading over to the Reichstag to get tickets for the dome. It is kind of a process since it is the seat of government and all that jazz, so we had to go the morning to get clearance to go in tonight. Ellie decided not to wear a sweater because Minnesota, but the tank top was not quite doing it and everyone was looking at me like I was a terrible mother. "Haha," thought, "I am just a terrible aunt." And so we went back to the hotel to get a sweater before our bike tour.
What we did not grab, however, were our rain jackets. The forecast said that it would not rain. Then they changed the forecast and it poured. Fortunately the bike place, Fat Tire Bike Tours, had ponchos. We were very fashionable.
We did a 15km tour of the city. I was about four hours and we saw the sites and ate lunch in a beer garden in the Tiergarten. The sun decided to come out just as we were biking to the lunch spot and stuck around for the rest of the tour and the rest of the day.
We then went back to the hostel and chilled out. The hostel, EastSeven, is pretty great and I love the neighborhood. We are just off the Senefelderplatz stop on the U bahn. Lots of small cafes and funky shops and cool people and interesting graffiti.
We had our evening meal at a place called momos which served momos. All vegetarian which was a selling point for Ellie. And then onward to the Reichstag. On the way we passed a big rally about the vote that is going to happen soon about the Armenian genocide which mean a conversation with Ellie about the Armenian genocide. Lot of history lessons happening.
It is kind of a process getting in to the Reichstag but the views are excellent.
And then back to the hostel. Tomorrow onward to Munich.
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